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Equalizer & Tailgater

Quinlan's Pharmacy & Medical Supply offers the Equalizer & Tailgater Series lifts for use in minivans, pickup trucks & specialty vehicles (i.e. PT Cruiser). The Equalizer and Tailgater Lifts are the most adjustable and versatile lifts on the market today. Both offer innovative features that are safe, efficient and will improve your quality of transportation.

The patented action base enables the Equalizer to lift a variety of power wheelchairs and scooters, including those weighing more than 400 lbs. The adjustability in the action base makes installation simple as it fits into spaces not reachable by other lift manufacturers.

Equalizer 3

The Freedom Lift Equalizer™ 3 adds a powered boom with 12 inches of additional reach required to clear the rear bumper of larger vehicles, as well as handle the largest possible power chair or scooter into the smallest vehicle openings. Like the Equalizer™ 2, the Equalizer™ 3 offers the ergonomic hand control and two wireless key fobs at no additional charge. 

The Equalizer™ 3 is an ideal lift for use in pickup trucks when the chair or scooter is handled from the curb. Please specify the weather-resistant option when installing the Equalizer™ 3 in uncovered pickup truck applications.

Equalizer 2

The Freedom Lift Equalizer™ 2 adds the convenience of powered rotation for users with limited abilities to push or pull their scooter or power chair in and out of their vehicle. The hand control is ergonomically designed to be comfortable to use and easy to control the lift. Two wireless remote control key fobs are included at no extra charge, affording a caregiver to assist with lift operation from a distance.

Tailgater Pick-Up Truck Lifts

The Freedom Lift Tailgater™ incorporates all the features of the Equalizer™ family and adds behind-the-tailgate chair or scooter handling with the dual offset column. The Tailgater™ is the ideal pickup truck lift, so the weather-resistant option, ergonomic hand control and wireless remotes are standard equipment.

Tailgater™ Lifts are exclusively right-hand mount.

Questions about insurance coverage or out-of-pocket costs? Feel free to contact our knowledgeable staff.

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